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ESG Report

Karbon Homes builds, manages and looks after affordable homes for people across the North. The aim is to give all customers the stronger foundations they need to get on with life.

Welcome to our third Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report

Embedding sound environmental, social and governance practices is a key part of our strategy

Sustainability is a fundamental part of our core purpose of providing affordable, safe and secure homes across our communities in the North East and Yorkshire.

We welcome the opportunity that the Sustainability Reporting Standard (SRS) gives us to tell a clearer and more transparent story to you and to our wide range of stakeholders.

In this year’s report, we want to show you the positive impact we are having in our communities, and on the lives of our customers, in what continues to be a very challenging time across the UK, with household budgets being put under pressure by the cost of living crisis.

The last couple of years have had their challenges for housing providers too but in 2022/23 we really started to push on with our development plans, starting on site with 762 new homes (against a target of 511).

And it’s not just the development programme that’s moving forward at pace. We launched our Fair Foundations Report in January, setting out our refreshed approach to supporting the left behind communities in which we work, by strengthening the foundational economy and tackling the roots of the challenges they face.

As power devolves North and new bodies become established, like the forthcoming North East Mayoral Combined Authority and the Tees Valley Combined Authority, we want to encourage more inclusive growth than we have maybe seen previously. It feels like under the emerging political and economic conditions, there’s much more scope for us to not just deliver on big agendas like net zero, but to actually shape them too.

Our Fair Foundations approach shows how we can achieve this by following a set of common principles and making interventions that support customers and communities to thrive and prosper.

So although the cost of living crisis continues to affect both Karbon as an organisation and our customers, we remain hopeful about what the future holds and we look forward to continuing to make a positive impact in the communities we work in.

Paul Fiddaman
Group Chief Executive

Report sections:

  1. Social 

  2. Environmental

  3. Governance

  4. Closing statement


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