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ESG Report

Resident Support

Case study

Holiday Squad

The Government invests over £200m a year in the Holiday Activities and Food programme (HAF), set up to provide healthy food and enriching activities during school holidays, all free of charge. Local authorities ask anchor organisations like Karbon to deliver the programme and, in the last two years, we have grown to become a mainstay in the HAF programme in Durham and Northumberland.

Following the launch of Karbon’s first holiday programme in 21/22, the ‘Holiday Squad’, assembled from the Community Investment Team, have continued to develop an ever-more inventive range of activities to keep kids curious and entertained across the communities we work in.

We have had the privilege to work with a wide range of local children’s activity providers to deliver a diverse programme of activities including sports, crafts, cooking, circus skills, forest schools and STEM activities.

When asked about the impact of our Holiday Squad, one local resident responded: “It’s been incredible having things to do with the kids over the summer. It can be really expensive to find activities for everyone to take part in, plus eating out isn’t cheap.

“With Holiday Squad there are so many different things to do, experiences to be had and memories to be made. Plus the kids get a free packed lunch so we have been able to save some money too.

“It’s good that my children can get out and about, meet new people and take part in things that I never would have thought to do. It’s great to see how much they enjoy it. I feel lucky and privileged that they can experience these events.”

Since its inception in Durham, we have expanded our Holiday Squad offer into other areas, delivering sessions in West Northumberland and working closely with North Tyneside Council to fund activities where there were gaps in provision.

As well as helping to entertain and feed over 1,000 kids so far, the clubs also act as free childcare which supports parents who are either in work or looking for work, helping to promote social mobility. Having recently been awarded the summer contract in Durham, we’ll be doing more of the same this summer.

Holiday period



North Tyneside


Easter 2022:

Children registered for activities





Summer 2022:

Children registered for activities





Income and money management

This year, our Money Matters Team helped 4,659 customers seeking advice and support about money management, debt and finances. In total, they helped generate income gains worth just under £4million for our customers through increased benefits, or a decrease in debt owed. We have also provided:

  • support for 120 customers through the Social Security Appeals process with a success rate of 78% - a 58% rise on last year
  • 220 energy crisis vouchers worth £8,278 - a 50% increase on last year
  • 160 food crisis vouchers worth £6,653 - a 53% rise on last year
  • £199,261 of customer savings by working with Northumbrian Water to provide reduced bills for those struggling to pay
  • £14,931 of grants distributed through the annual crisis fund

Employability and skills

Our Foundations for Life Team delivers digital training and employability opportunities as well as facilitating our internal apprenticeship programme. This year, the team:

  • Supported 403 customers this year (a 61% increase on last year), with 59 moving into work
  • Supported 171 customers with £7,867 through our Foundations Support Fund - which pays for items that can help residents move into employment such as uniform, training certifications or travel costs.
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