Fire Alarm System
Tom Collins House has a fire alarm system which provides full coverage throughout the Sheltered Housing Scheme, the system provides automatic detection throughout for both smoke and fire and is monitored 24/7 off site for any fault of alarm activation ensuring early response in an emergency.
The system is tested weekly and subject to a service and inspection every 6 months.
Smoke Vent System
Tom Collins House has a smoke ventilation system to the internal corridor areas on the majority of floors which in the event of a fire will automatically open to vent smoke to help keep escape routes clear.
The system is tested weekly to ensure that it is operated correctly.
Sprinkler System
Tom Collins House has a sprinkler system retro-fitted to the building which provides sprinkler coverage to all flats, the staircase and the internal corridor and communal areas. The sprinkler heads are concealed throughout the building and will only ever activate in the event of a fire, this will only also happen in the location of the fire not throughout the whole building.
Checks are carried out on the system including the water tanks in the basement every month and the system is subject to a service and inspection every six months.
Dry Riser
Tom Collins House has one dry riser which is a vertical pipe that the Fire Service can connect to outside in an emergency to provide water for fire-fighting on all upper floors of the building, it is known as a dry riser as it has no water in it unless it is in use. The dry riser is visually inspected monthly to ensure that it is in good working order, it is also subjected to a pressure test once a year to make sure it will work as it should and does not leak once under pressure.